BetterTouchTool 5.179 (Feb, 11, 2024)
BetterTouchTool 5.160 (Feb, 4, 2024)
BetterTouchTool >= 5.140 (January, 29, 2025)
BetterTouchTool >= 5.061 (January, 10, 2025)
  • Fixed a potential crash
  • Some small improvements to BTT's Clipboard Manager, especially when used with Microsoft Office
  • Added predefined dummy action "Comment", it doesn't do anything but lets you add some notes/text between actions.
  • Note: 2024 was version, 2025 is, the version number doesn't mean anything else.
BetterTouchTool >= 4.999 (December, 21, 2024)
  • Probably the last release for 2024, let's start 2025 with BetterTouchTool version 5.000 :-) Happy Holidays!
  • Big improvements for Capslock as Hyperkey ( )
  • Added new functionality: Low Level Key Remapping ( )
  • However this release is mostly about first improvements for BTT's Clipboard Manager (more to come early next year).
    • Support for Snippet Groups and Saved Searches
    • Support for dragging stuff (files, text, images etc.) into and out of the clipboard manager.
    • Filter by app by searching e.g. "app:Finder"
    • Compact mode, where the preview is only shown when pressing space
    • Reorderable button bar
    • Support for viewing the different datatypes currently in the clipboard and show them in different formats (Rendered, Hex (via, Base64, Raw Text)
    • The Show/Hide Clipboard Manager actions can now be set to open the Clipboard Manager with a specific snippet group, show at specific positions & sizes and various other.
    • Various new predefined actions to work with the Clipboard Manager. E.g. to create & use fifo / lifo queues.
  • Many bugfixes
BetterTouchTool >= 4.910 (November, 29, 2024)
  • New Pedefined Actions "Smooth Rotate By X" and "Smooth Zoom By X". These can e.g. be used via keyboard shortcuts (with key repeat enabled) and allow to have the smooth rotation / zooming behavior you can usually only get when using a trackpad.
  • Predefined action "Move mouse to position" can now do fluid moves
  • Fixed drag options for "Move Mouse to Position" action
  • Added predefined action "Set Keyboard Brightness"
  • Added predefined action "Activate Hovered Item In Window Switcher"
  • Added predefined action "Set / Assign Custm Icon For App, File or Folder at Path
  • Improved predefined action "Toggle Pin/Unpin Focus Window To Float On Top"
  • Added advanced trigger condition "Focus Mode" (requires Full Disk Access for BTT)
  • Added Trackpad and Magic Mouse "gestures": 1 Finger Touch Start, 2 Finger Touch Start, 3 Finger Touch Start, 4 Finger Touch Start and 5 Finger Touch Start. These can be useful in combination with advanced trigger conditions.
  • Trackpad users that make use "tap to click" & dragging can now get rid of the standard macOS drag delay by disabling the system's tap to click function and instead configuring a "single finger tap" and assigning a "left click (at current mouse position)" action in BTT.
  • Fixed various Floating Menu related issues
  • Fixed Siri Remote related issues
  • Fixed crash when opening BTT from the Stream Deck app
  • Improved usage of the conditional activation group variables in other places
  • Many other small bugfixes
BetterTouchTool >= 4.839 (October, 26, 2024)
  • Compatibility with the new USB-C Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad (they also work fine with older BTT versions, just minimal adjustments were made)
  • Fixed issues with Apple Scripts not updating
  • Fixed "Close All Notifications" action for macOS 15.1
  • ChatGPT actions now support streaming / incremental output
  • Floating Menus: Option to disable dragging
  • Floating Menus: Items now can trigger actions when scrolling up/down/left/right on them.
  • Floating Menus: New Predefined Action "Open Specific Submenu In Floating Menu"
  • (Sorry for the many small updates, this was a complex release cycle with lots of under-the-hood changes thus a few more regressions than usual have appeared, and a few more updates than usual were necessary. However it'll be the base for many powerful upcoming features)
BetterTouchTool >= 4.801 (October, 24, 2024)
  • New Predefined Action "Use ChatGPT, Copy Result to Clipboard/Variable"
  • Many bugfixes
  • BetterTouchTool >= 4.701 (September, 17, 2024)
    • Predefined action "Close All Notifications" should now be working on macOS Sequoia again.
    • Fixed various other little things for macOS Sequoia.
    • The actions "Find Image On Screen", "Wait For Image To Appear On Screen" and "If Image Visible On Screen" got easier to set up and more accurate matching options. They also come with new options to limit the search area.
    • Fixed an issue with custom menu bar status items - their position might not have been saved in some situations.
    • Note: By default BTT now integrates with the native snapping on Sequoia, this means it will also use the native snapping settings like the margin. To disable that either switch to "Classic Window Resizing" mode in the BTT settings, or disable the margin in System Settings => Desktop & Dock".
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.690 (September, 15, 2024)
    • Compatibility with macOS 15 Sequoia
    • Note: as always with new macOS releases, more little BTT updates might follow soon. Please report any issue you encounter!
    • Possibility to integrate with the new native macOS Sequoia Window snapping/tiling. Advantages of using BTT's snapping:
      • Dragging to the edges/corners is faster and more fluid
      • Mission Control will not activate accidentally when dragging to the top
      • You can drag & snap tabs right out of any app
      • Preview overlay is customizable
      • Works even if "Displays have separate spaces" is disabled
      • Maintains the advantages of the native tiling (window resizing animations, ability to resize by hovering the edge between two windows...)
    • Added predefined action "Choose From List" that can show a Spotlight like UI with actions you configure
    • The new "Choose From List" and the "Custom Context Menu (New)" actions now allow to retrieve their content dynamically via JS / JSON. This can be quite powerful and also works with custom menu bar status items. For details see ttps://
    • Apple Script & Java Script can now be stored in external files & be edited in an editor outside of BTT.
    • various bugfixes

    BetterTouchTool >= 4.667 (August, 29, 2024)
    • Various fixes for the upcoming macOS 15 Sequoia.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.664 (August, 16, 2024)
    • Fixed an issue with the predefined action "Launch Application / Open File / Start Apple Script ..."
    • Fixed a potential crash on older macOS versions <= macOS 11
    • Fixed an issue introduced in 4.660/4.661 that could potentially lead to some network performance issues in some specific configurations.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.660 (August, 9, 2024)
    • This release includes many bugfixes and is mostly a bugfix release.
    • Various improvements to the Floating Menus
      • Here is an example of what kind of menus can be achieved with this. You can download this example here:
      • You can now drag images onto the item preview to change the icon
      • Right click an item in a floating menu to reveal it in the BTT UI
      • New anchors: "Green Window Button" and "Hovered Floating Menu Item"
      • Floating menus can now trigger actions on appear and on disappear
    • Improved "Launch Application / File / Folder" action configuration
    • window_titlebar_hovered is now available as advanced trigger condition
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.637 (July, 17, 2024)
    • Various little improvements for issues reported for the previous release
    • Floating menu's now offer basic keyboard navigation (requires macOS 14 or higher) when shown via the predefined action "Show / Hide Floating Menu" and enabling the "keyboard focus" option on that action.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.630 (July, 9, 2024)
    • UI: Added "Trigger Category Bar" for easier access to your most used trigger categories. You can reorder them by dragging or hide specific categories by right-clicking
    • BETA/Work in Progress Feature: Manage menubar status items via BTT. Hide unused items and/or show them in a separate bar on demand. For this feature please have a look at the documentation:
      • New predefined action: "Move Menu Bar Status Item To New Position"
      • New Floating Menu Widget: "Menubar Status Items"
      • New predefined action "Search Menu Bar Status Items"

    • New Predefined action: "Send MIDI Command"
    • New Trigger in "Automations & Named & Other Triggers" section: "Trigger On Change Of Advanced Trigger Condition"
    • New Trigger in "Automations & Named & Other Triggers" section: "Trigger On Script Output Change"
    • New trigger conditions: 'power_source' and 'battery_level'
    • Trackpad: Added 1 Finger Tap and 1 Finger Double Tap (only use if you don't use tap to drag)
    • New standard Trigger Condition: "Trigger while mouse hovers window title bar"
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.551 (May, 29, 2024)
  • Extend the macOS Finder context menu (e.g. to add a "New File Here") item. See the docs here:
  • BTT UI now allows to open multiple tabs
    • Only in standard column based UI mode:
      • Right-clicking an action now allows you to disable it (or use cmd+d)
      • Right-clicking an action now let's you "Copy Java Script to Trigger Action"
      • Right-clicking an action now let's you "Copy Apple Script to Trigger Action"
    • Added button to merge mutiple selected presets
    • Right-click to export a specific trigger will now also include all named triggers that are called from it
    • Floating Menu: added option to open external links in system browser for webview items
    • Floating Menu: added "Reset Floating Menu / Item Properties" action (this is helpful combined with the new "Update Floating Menu-ITEM Properties" and "Update Floating Menu Properties" actions.)
    • Floating Menu: added opacity option for the menu
    • Floating Menu: Many updates to the "Update Floating Menu Item" actions
    • Floating Menu: icons are now stored in the preset folder
    • Move Mouse To Position Action can now move relative to saved_mouse_position
    • Added support for Stream Deck neo
    • Added "Long Press", "Button Down", "Button Up" action categories for Stream Deck
    • Fixed potential crash with "Show Window Switcher" actions
    • Fixed issue with nested for loops
    • Fixed issue with "Find Text & Move Mouse Action"
    • Fixed issue that sometimes caused incorrect things to copy when using the right-click menu in the BTT UI
    • Fixed issue with switching from light to dark mode
    • Fixed issue where hidden webviews would cause window snapping to behave erratically
    • With the current Bartender controversy you might want to have a look at how to use BTT for managing menubar status items. See
    • Many more bugfixes & preparations for the new BTT Remote for iOS / iPadOS (will probably be called BetterTouchTool Mobile)
  • BetterTouchTool >= 4.485 (April, 20, 2024)
    • Experimenting with AI generated translations. This version contains English, German, Korean, French, Chinese (Simplified) and Japanese. They will definitely not be perfect. I'd appreciate any feedback on this. I'll soon provide a link where users can submit edits to the translations.
    • New Floating Menu Actions: "Update Floating Menu-ITEM Properties" and "Update Floating Menu Properties".
    • Floating Menu: Option to trigger action on item hover start and item hover end:
    • Floating Menu: Option to animate hover transition (it's located under Design Light => Background)
    • Floating Menu: Modifier Based Visibility now has an option to require "at least" some specific modifiers (but will still show if additional modifiers are pressed). This allows for creating menus that show some items by default, and show additional items when holding modifier keys.
    • Floating Menu: Option to position items absolutely, overlaying other items"
    • Added predefined actions "Transform Clipboard Contents With Java Script" and "Transform Clipboard Contents With ChatGPT"
    • Added predefined action "Resize Active Window To Specific Position & Size"
    • Added predefined action "Close Floating Menu Submenu"
    • Added new trigger "Variable Value Did Change" in Automations, Named & Other Triggers
    • Fixed issue with predefined action "Transform & Copy Selection With Java Script"
    • Fixed issue with preset import sometimes missing some items
    • Fixed issue with "Close All Notifications" action on non-english systems.
    • Finalizing the code for the upcoming new BetterTouchTool Remote iOS app. (The floating menus will be the base for the new remote app, that's why there are currently many changes for these)
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.460 (March, 11, 2024)
    • macOS 14.4 fix: any BTT action that worked on the currently selected text would fail on macOS Sonoma 14.4. This should be resolved. For example the "Transform Selected Text With ChatGPT" or "Transform Selected Text With Java Script" actions.
    • macOS 14.4 fix: BTT's Clipboard Manager would not paste correctly in some situations
    • Improved key repeat handling for keyboard shortcuts
    • Fixed text selection issue in BTT webviews
    • Fixed chat_gpt Apple Script function
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.428 (March, 5, 2024)
    • New: "Recently Used" section, which lists triggers you have recently executed.
    • New: USB Device Connected / Disconnected Triggers
    • New: Bluetooth Device Connected / Disconnected Triggers
    • New: "Close Submenu" action for Floating Menus
    • New: Shortcuts sent by BTT can now explicitly include the right modifier keys (not many apps use right modifiers separately, but some do)
    • New: Required modifier keys for any sort of trigger can now be differentiated between left/right ones.
    • Fixed Hyper Key issue that caused the optional named trigger to not execute when releasing the Hyper Key.
    • Fixed issue with custom context menus not appearing
    • Fixed issue with some Java Script function, especially the paste_text and set_clipboard_content ones.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.401 (February, 12, 2024)
    • New Predefined Action "Set Function Key / Media Key Mode"
    • Fixed issue with custom menubar status items combined with the predefined action "Show Custom Context Menu".
    • Fixed initialization problem with some popular presets like GoldenChaos
    • Fixed bug that caused action sequences to not fully execute with certain named triggers
    • Fixed bug that caused action sequences to not fully execute when multiple if conditions were used
    • Fixed potential crash when rendering SFSymbols
    • Fixed potential crash with special key sequences
    • Various other bugfixes
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.389 (February, 1, 2024)
    • Fix: Stream Deck Plus LCD screen should now work.
    • Fix: App Specific Floating menus could not be toggled / be shown by action, this should now work.
    • Fix: Floating Menu's that are attached to the focused window, should not jump around randomly anymore (at least less often).
    • Fix: Disabled Key Sequences will not cause side effects / issues anymore.
    • Fix: Key Sequences contained in a disabled preset will not cause side effects / issues anymore.
    • Fix: Shortcuts defined in the Shortcuts app that contain special characters in their name will now work.
    • Fix: Middle Mouse button will work again in combination with the "Start Recording Drawing / Mouse Gesture" action.
    • Fix: Some scripting functions did not work correctly in BTT's webview.
    • Fix: Issue with updating Stream Deck buttons contained in groups through Java Script.
    • Fix: The "Run Apple Script" action did not allow to select SCPT files. This should now work again.
    • Various other fixes and improvements.
    • Upcoming: Final preparations for the soon to be released BTT Remote 2. This will allow completely customizable "Floating Menus" to control your Mac from iOS/iPadOS/visionOS via Bluetooth or Wifi.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.356 (December, 15, 2023)
    • New Trigger: "Focused Window Did Change" in "Automations, Named & Other Triggers" (can be used to trigger actions whenever a new window comes to front)
    • New Trigger: "Clipboard Contents Did Change" in "Automations, Named & Other Triggers" (when combined with the "Run Java Script" action it can be used to e.g. automatically transform copied clipboard content or trigger actions when specific things are copied. See (
    • New Condition Action "If Java Script Returns True", which will execute the actions in the if branch when a given Java Script returns true - otherwise it will execute the actions defined in the else branch.
    • The "Cycle Through Multiple Actions" meta action, now has a reset after delay option.
    • Addded a first preview of the new Cheat Sheet (via new predfined actions "Show Cheat Sheet", "Hide Cheat Sheet", "Toggle Cheat Sheet"). Lots of customizability will be added soon.
    • Fixed issue where middle clicks could sometimes trigger window snapping
    • Fixed some issues with phantom lines appearing when doing Mouse Gestures / Drawings.
    • Fixed some bugs with the integrated window switcher (Predefined action "Show Window Switcher For Current App" and "Show Window Switcher For All Apps")
    • Various bugfixes
    • Advanced: Two new interesting actions that can allow for some new multi-letter keyboard shortcuts: "Start Blocking Keyboard Input" and "End Blocking Keyboard Input". Additionally a new variable in conditional activation groups that allows to test whether BTT is currently blocking keyboard input. This can be quite useful when combined with Key Sequences, because by default Key Sequences pass any input to the system - which can lead to lots of conflicts. If your key sequence first activates keyboard blocking, the system won't receive text input anymore. So for example you can define a Key Sequence ctrl + ctrl to disable keyboard input. Then you can have a second Key Sequence "a + b" (that is only active while keyboard blocking is active via a Conditional Activation Group). Now assign the "End Blocking Keyboard Input" action in addition to your desired action to that a + b Key Sequence.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.333 (November, 24, 2023)
    • Improved the "Drawing / Mouse Gesture" recognition algorithm. It should now work better in various situations, e.g. for straight lines.
    • "Drawing / Mouse Gesture" recognition can now be cancelled by hitting esc or space.
    • Added new trackpad gestures dedicated to drawing mouse gestures: "Three Finger Drawing", "Four Finger Drawing", "Five Finger Drawing". You need to assign the predefined action "Start Recording Drawing / Mouse Gesture" to it
    • Various macOS Sonoma related fixes.
    • Note: If you encounter an issue where BTT automatically disables itself, try to disable the experimental Dropbox/iCloud sync. It seems to cause weird issues on some macOS Sonoma systems.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.316 (November, 2, 2023)
    • Fixed an issue where some functions did not work correctly after "Wake From Sleep"
    • Similar to the "Find Image On Screen & Move Mouse" actions, there are now three new actions "Find Text On Screen", "Wait For Text To Appear On Screen", "If Text Visible On Screen". These can make it easier to automate some things without scripting.
    • Added new triggers in "Automations, Named & Other Triggers". The new "Ambient Light" triggers allow you to run actions when the light in your environment changes. (E.g. send your Mac to sleep when you turn off the light)
    • Advanced trigger conditions now have "current_minute", "current_hour" and "current_day". With this you can make triggers only work at specific time ranges.
    • Key sequences got much more powerful - they now come with two new options.
      • Only trigger if no other key is recognized for a certain amount of time. This allows to trigger different actions for sequences that start with the same sequence. E.g. the key sequences "h", "he", "hel", "hell" and "hello" could all trigger different actions.
      • require the key sequence to have a minimum duration.
    • BTT can now differentiate between left/right modifier keys and keyboard type even if secure input mode is active.
    • Added scripting functions paste_text and set_clipboard_content
    • Added new trigger "Active App Did Change". Also the existing "Specific App Did Launch/Terminate/Activate/Deactivate" can now trigger on every app launch/termination etc. not only for specific apps.
    • Added control flow predefined action "Wait For Change Of Focused Window". This can be helpful to wait until an app becomes really active.
    • The "Find Image On Screen" action, can now search for different images depending on system light/dark mode.
    • Fixed an issue where BTT's scripting capabilities for the integrated webviews didn't work on some webpages.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the BTT preferences window to appear randomly on some specific system configurations
    • Fixed an issue with copying & pasting actions
    • Fixed an issue related to advanced trigger conditions (mouse_pos_percent_y)
    • Fixed an issue with the order of action execution for the "Run Real Java Script" action
    • Fixed an issue that caused window snapping to leave some unwanted space on some macOS Sonoma installations
    • Various other bugfixes and little improvements for macOS Sonoma
    • Preparations for two upcoming features: "Cheat Sheet" and native Desktop Widgets (based on Floating Menus). Both will be ready end of November.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.271 (September, 20, 2023)
    • Another small update to fix a a few issues introduced with the recent versions, this should now be fully compatible with the upcoming macOS Sonoma.
    • Note: For info on interactive Desktop Widgets on Ventura & Sonoma, have a look at the docs:
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.260 (September, 16, 2023)
    • BTT now has if conditions and loops and some other new control flow actions. See
    • New predefined action: "Ask For User Input", this is great for use with the "if condition" action.
    • New predefined actions: "Wait For Condition To Become True" and "Wait For Image To Become Visible On Screen"
    • The predefined action "Pin Focused Window To Float On Top" now has an option to float a non-interactive but resizable & zoomable version of the window. (Picture in Picture like). By zooming in you can use it to monitor a specific region of a window.
    • New predefined action: "Set Cursor Size" action to change to a specific cursor size.
    • Big improvements to how a sequence of actions is executed. Especially if you have delays or asynchronous actions in the sequence.
    • The "Find Image on Screeen & Move Mouse" action is now based on OpenCV and should be much more reliable and performant.
    • The "Move Mouse To Position" action now offers more options.
    • Big performance improvements, this version should lower CPU usage on most systems.
    • Various fixes for the upcoming macOS Sonoma. If you are already running the Sonoma beta, please report any issues you encounter.
    • The "Normal Mouse" section now allows to record double and triple clicks
    • Conditional Activation Groups and Advanced Trigger Conditions now have a variable for the currently active URL (works in Safari, Chrome, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi and Arc). This allows to set up triggers/actions that only work on specific websites.
    • All BTT scripting functions can now be called from JavaScript without using "callBTT" (e.g. await get_string_variable({'variable_name': "test"})
    • Improved Floating Menu behavior and additional actions to interact with the floating menus. Users are creating great stuff with the floating menu functionality. E.g. this window management menu, created by @jangelsb
    • Have a look at for more examples.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.157 (July, 4, 2023)

    Thanks a lot for the great feedback on the new Floating Menus! This version contains various changes & fixes to this feature based on the user feedback I have received. Visit the community forum on for any questions.

    BetterTouchTool >= 4.145 (June, 29, 2023)
    This is the first public release of a powerful new feature called "Floating Menus / Widget" (macOS 13 and higher). These are very customizable menus, which you can use in many different ways. The feature is a work in progress, you can follow the development in the community forum:
    In this case I think some quick videos are better than a text description so some examples:

    A menu that pops up when hovering the Notch and allows you to drop image files to convert them to png:
    Notch Menu

    A menu that expands on hover and is attached to the focused window.

    A simple browser implemented as a floating menu:

    Using three finger swipe to show a menu at the mouse cursor position, then hide automatically when releasing the fingers from the trackpad:
    Three Finger Swipe

    A Google Translate Menu which is placed on the Desktop:

    Basic scripting and a submenu:

    Other changes:
    • You can now use JSON5 in all script calls BTT supports. This makes it easier to use via Apple Script because you can use single quotes, which don't need to be escaped.
    • Added predefined actions for editing or creating snap areas
    • Support for the new 15" M2 Macbook Air
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.063 (March, 6, 2023)
      • Fixed a crash that occured regularly with some popular Touch Bar presets since the previous version.
      • New, really powerful predefined action "Transform & Replace Selection With ChatGPT". The possibilities are endless!
      • Improved support for the 14" Macbook Pro 2023 trackpad.
      • Various bugfixes for the "Generic Devices" support.
      • Pin function to keep the Clipboard Manager open after pasting
      • Fixed a random crash when editing graphics from the Clipboard Manager
      • Added focused_window_width,height,x and y variables.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.045 (February, 27, 2023)
    Note: I'm starting to post tutorials on (non-obvious) things you can do with BetterTouchTool on my blog. First post is about BetterTouchTool and how you can use it to work with ChatGPT:

    • Added "Move Mouse To Left Edge", "Move Mouse To Right Edge", "Move Mouse Away From Left Edge" and "Move Mouse Away From Right Edge" as new triggers to the "Automations, Named & Other Triggers" section
    • Added "Haptic Feedback" option for Window Snapping (off by default)
    • Added "Dynamic Variables" (in Automations, Named & Other Triggers section), they can be used like any other variable in BTT, but they determine their value by running some Java Script / Apple Script / Shell Script.
    • Option to hide preview popover for window switcher
    • Small additions to the BTT scripting functionality:
      • New function "get_triggers" to retrieve multiple triggers configured in BTT.
      • New function "delete_triggers" to delete multiple triggers configured in BTT
      • New parameter "delay" for the trigger_named_async_without_response function
      • New function cancel_delayed_named_trigger_execution
      • New parameter "parent_uuid" for the add_new_trigger function (to add the trigger to an existing group)
    • Right-clicking a trigger in BTT now allows to convert it's actions to a "Named Trigger".
    • Improvements for the floating web view action.
    • Slightly improvbed window switcher (ventura only) selection.
    • Fixed issue with loading local files into floating web view
    • Fixed issues with executing Java Script scripts.
    • Fixed issue with pasting multiple triggers from clipboard
    • Fixed various bugs
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.0 (February, 4, 2023)
    • Fixed various little bugs that where reported after the 4.0 release.
    • Thanks for the great feedback on the "Generic Device" feature! Users have already created various script to make things like the Griffin PowerMate, Microsoft Surface Dial, various mouses and remotes work with BetterTouchTool. I'll keep on improving this feature soon.
    BetterTouchTool >= 4.0 (January, 30, 2023)

    Note: The version number doesn't have any real meaning, this is not a major upgrade or anything. It's just that I ran out of reasonable versions ;-) However it still feels nice to have reached v4 after more than 13 years. Now let's start the development cycle, I have lots of nice things planned for 2023! (Btw no longer active on Twitter, follow me on Mastodon:

    New Features:
    • New Window Switcher (only on Ventura and later, it's the first Swift and SwiftUI code in BetterTouchTool and started as an experiment)
    • Show HUD action has received a style update and is much more customizable (also macOS Ventura only)
    • You can now define long click actions for normal mouse buttons
    • New Trigger Section: "Generic Devices". With this it becomes possible to make most input devices (e.g. remotes, special mice, buttons etc.) work with BTT, using some Java Script.
    • Basic support for Stream Deck+ LCD (only in full control mode for now, I'll continue to work on this soon).
    • Added predefined action "Temporarily Change Display Of Stream Deck Button" - e.g. to show a confirmation message on a button after an action has been executed.
    • Predefined action "Show / Hide Specific App", can now bring the app to your current Desktop/Space when unhiding.
    • New predefined actions "Start to Block Scrolling" and "End/Stop Block Scrolling"
    • Various additions and improvements for "Trigger Conditions". E.g. added currently_pressed_keyboard_keys variable, leftmost_mouse_touch_xy and righmost_mouse_touch_xy variables (for Magic Mouse).
    • You can now hide trigger sections / categories in the "User Interface Settings"
    • HUD is now shown even if no action is assigned to trigger
    • Improved Notch Bar behavior.
    • All variables available in advanced trigger conditions can now be queried using the get_string_variable and get_number_variable functions.
    • Visual Separators can now be added in any trigger section using the main menu => edit => add new visual separator
    • When Stream Deck is used in plugin mode, BTT now tries to detect a broken plugin connection and resolve it automatically by restarting the Stream Deck software
    • Doing some first experiments with Swift & SwiftUI inside of BTT. The window switcher action UI has been implemented using SwiftUI in this version.
    • You can now define long click actions for normal mouse buttons
    • Fixed time zone issue with weather widget
    • Replaced references to my Twitter account with Mastodon ;-)
    • Fixed various drag & drop issues in the BTT UI.
    • Fixed Drawing triggers not showing their preview when put into a folder.
    • Fixed Night Shift Toggle for Apple Silicon machines
    • Fixed issue where some data of a previously assigned action was still there after changing the action.
    • Fixed UI and import issues with sub-sub groups
    • Fixed a crash caused by the Now Playing Widget when it encountered some special album covers
    • Fixed bugs with some variables in the advanced trigger conditions.
    • Fixed bugs with the "Close All Notifications" action.
    Work in progress:
    • Full Logitech mouse support by integrating libratbag. Currently about 25% of the work is done. When it's finished you'll be able to configure Logitech (and probably other) mice completely in BTT.
    • Floating action windows. These will be very customizable. You'll be able to have them float anywhere on your screen, attach them to specific windows, or show them inside of the upcoming launcher. Kind of like multiple little floating Touch Bars, only that the layout will be completely customizable.
    • Integrated Launcher. While BTT won't try to compete with existing launchers like Alfred, I feel there are now so many actions and so many user generated scripts and it makes sense to have a launcher integrated in BetterTouchTool. I haven't fully outlined what it will be able to do, but I think it will be pretty cool.
    • New BTT Remote version. I have learned so many things since BTT Remote was initially released in 2012. It's time for a full rewrite. I'm now already more than halfway through with that.
    BetterTouchTool >= 3.952 (November, 25, 2022)
    • Added "Set Display Brightness" action
    • Added "Activate Previous App / Window", "Save Active Window" and "Restore Saved Active Window" actions.
    • Added "Show Notification" action
    • Fixed issue with existing "Frontmost windows side by side" actions
    • Fixed little issue with mouse button chording using advanced trigger conditions.
    • Maybe fixed an issue where custom Snap Areas might not show after sleep (not sure whether it's really fixed)
    • Prepared Stream Deck + integration (not yet finsihed). Also first work on Loupedeck devices which will be added next.
    • Migrated Weather Widgets from DarkSky to  Weather
    • Added "Activate Specific Window" action, which let's you activate a window by it's title.
    • Fixed issue with SF Symbols on Stream Deck
    • Added "Show / Hide Stream Deck Emulator action
    • Tons of bugfixes
    BetterTouchTool >= 3.951 (November, 21, 2022)
    • Fixed an issue with early trial expiration
    • Migrated Weather Widgets from DarkSky to  Weather
    • Added "Activate Specific Window" action, which let's you activate a window by it's title.
    • Fixed issue with SF Symbols on Stream Deck
    • Added "Show / Hide Stream Deck Emulator action
    BetterTouchTool >= 3.935 (October, 25, 2022)
    Added various Stage Manager (for macOS Ventura) actions, these allow to control Stage Manager via keyboard shrotcuts or other triggers:
    • Activate Stage by Position
    • Activate Stage by contained Apps
    • Cycle through Stages
    • Show Stages in Context Menu
    • Turn On/Off Stage Manager
    • Turn On/Off Recent Apps
  • Added an "All Configured Triggers Overview" mode, to show all configured triggers regardless of type in one view.
  • The "Window Switcher" action can now show thumbnails of the windows.
  • Some bugfixes for macOS Ventura
  • BetterTouchTool 3.913/3.914 (October, 20, 2022)
    • Window snapping now allows to directly snap tabs in many apps when dragging these.
    • New predefined action: "Show Context Menu for Selected Element" (this won't work in all apps, but in many)
    • Added sensitivity setting for trackpad 5 finger pinches.
    • For the predefined action "Launch Application / Open File / Apple Script ..." you can now enter the path manually if needed.
    • Many bugfixes.
    • macOS Ventura readiness improvements:
      • Fixed "Close all notifications" action for macOS Ventura.
      • Improved window snapping compatibility for the upcoming Stage Manager feature in macOS Ventura
      • Many changes to the Notch Bar feature to make it compatible with macOS Ventura.
      • Various crash fixes for the upcoming macOS Ventura. BTT should now be fully compatible with the soon to be released macOS version.
    BetterTouchTool 3.870 (September, 5, 2022)
    • Fixed issue with the new Macbook Air M2 Trackpads
    • Added advanced "Trigger Conditions" for almost every trigger type in BTT.
      For example such conditions allow you to only execute triggers if a certain amount of fingers are touching the trackpad or Magic Mouse. They also allow to define conditions the hovered or focused UI element must fulfil - and many more.
      Here is an example where one gesture is used for many different window moving actions - depending on the cursor location in the hovered window (tutorial available via":
    • Added new predefined actions "Execute Action Sequence after Timeout" and "Cancel Scheduled Execution of Action Sequence". In contrast to the "delay next action" they allow to trigger a action sequence after longer delays (e.g. after half an hour).
    • Various improvmenets for the upcoming macOS Ventura.
    • Fixed some window moving / resizing related issues
    • Many little bugfixes and improvements
    BetterTouchTool 3.826 (July, 28, 2022)
    • Fixed various issues with the configuration UI in BTT. These were introduced with the previous version.
    • Fixed a possible crash
    BetterTouchTool 3.821 (July, 13, 2022)
    BetterTouchTool 3.784 (May, 22, 2022)
    • Fixed issues with the "Delay Next Action" functionality.
    BetterTouchTool 3.781 (May, 14, 2022)
    This is a small update (I'm still working on a bigger BTT update, which will be ready soon)
    • New predefined action: "Cycle through multiple actions (on repeated trigger)". This allows to run different actions e.g. when executing a shortcut multiple times.
    • New predefined action "Pin/Unpin Focused Window To Float On Top" (unfortunately doesn't work for DRM protected video)
    • Long & Short press shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts now have new configuration options "Minimum time keys need to be pressed" and "Maximum time keys can be pressed" (only for "key up"). This allows to create shortcuts that do different things if they are pressed for a short time or if they are pressed for a long time.
    • Predefined action "Transform & Replace Selection with JavaScript" can now also transform to e.g. html or rich text formatted output. So you can e.g. easily color some selected text or add other formatting.
    • Added predefined action "Show custom context menu (NEW)", this one is much more flexible and easier to setup than the old custom context menu action. It supports sub-menus and can also be used in combination with custom menubar items.
    • Added video compatibility config option for the super brightness mode.
    • Various bugfixes
    BetterTouchTool 3.756 (April, 11, 2022)
    • Clipboard Manager allows to select default paste type (e.g. plaintext)
    • Added predefined action "Toggle super brightness for current display". This enables a "super brightness mode", which doubles the brightness on the most current MacBook Pro and Pro Display XDR. Use on your own risk, I have no idea whether this is bad for the display. Probably don't use for long time periods :-). This is based on, it doesn't use any low level API - just some filters - to achieve this effect.
    • The "Insert/paste/type custom text" action can now paste HTML (and other) formats. E.g. to insert a horizontal line, enter <hr> and select the HTML option. It can also paste images (base64 formatted) and other things.
    • Fixed a few issues with the BTT Clipboard Manager.
    • Fixed a crash related to custom snap areas
    • Touch Bar settings now have an option to hide the left X / Close button on the Touch Bar (while showing the control strip).
    • This is just a small update, there will be a big one with many cool new features soon
    BetterTouchTool 3.741 (January, 31, 2022)
    • Fixed an issue where the Clipboard Manager in BTT would not show images
    • Fixed an issues with the upcoming macOS 12.3 (which is currently available as Beta from Apple)
    • Fixed multiple issues with the Notch Bar
    BetterTouchTool 3.740 (January, 21, 2022)
    • The BTT Clipboard Manager now allows you to select text on pictures if you are running macOS Monterey. (Really useful with the "Capture Screenshot to Clipboard" action)
    • Fixed issues with notification Dock badges in some popular Touch Bar presets
    • Fixed issues with missing configuration options in the "Automations, Named & Other Triggers" section
    • Fixed double-execution of the "App Did Launch / Activate / Deactivate / Quit" and possibly other triggers in the "Automations, Named & Other Triggers" section.
    • Many improvements for the Notch Bar:
    BetterTouchTool 3.711 (January, 12, 2022)
    • Improved overall stability of the Notch Bar feature (for now it still requires >= macOS 12)
    • Added clipboard manager & shortcuts widget for Notch Bar
    • Improved Notch Bar multi-display support (save mode per display, different modes for different displays)
    • Improved responsiveness of Notch Bar
    • Notch Bar can now use the desktop background picture (blurred), this is available in the advanced options.
    • Predefined action "Open URL" now has the option to open in the currently active browser. (Helpful when building a bookmark bar)
    • Added predefined actions "rotate left" and "rotate right".
    BetterTouchTool 3.699 (December, 30, 2021)
    • This is the first public release that contains the new Notch Bar functionality (requires macOS 12). It allows you to replace the standard menubar with a super customizable one.
    • Have a look at for a quick start guide for the Notch Bar functionality. Especially on the new Macbooks with Notch this is pretty great as they have a higher menubar. For the Notch Bar BTT includes similar widgets as for the Touch Bar, you can even copy items from the Touch Bar section and paste them in the Notch Bar section.
    • Added Battery based triggers (drop below or above percentage)
    • Fixed issue with screenshot editing on macOS Monterey
    • Fixed issue with copying & pasting actions from one trigger to another
    BetterTouchTool 3.626 (November, 28, 2021)
    • Fixed various bugs related to the BTT clipboard manager
    • Final preparations for the BTT Notch Bar / Menubar replacement. This will be released next week and it will be amazing :-) (Twitter thread:
    • Conditional activation groups including window title conditions, should update more reliably now<
    BetterTouchTool 3.623 (November, 10, 2021)
    • Various bugfixes
    • Added a simple new action "Show Shortcuts in Context Menu", which allows you to quickly access your Shortcuts from the Shortcuts App at any time.
    • The clipboard manager can now run Shortcuts on selected entries.
    • Preparations for the upcoming "Notch Bar" which will be a powerful Touch Bar replacement. (This is not available in this release yet)
    BetterTouchTool 3.615 (November, 3, 2021)
    • Improved reliability of Capslock => Hyperkey functionality
    BetterTouchTool 3.612 (November, 1, 2021)
    • When using special keys like "brightness up" or "play/pause" in BTT keyboard shortcuts, you can now combine them with modifier keys.
    BetterTouchTool 3.609 (October, 31, 2021)
    • Sorry, another quick bugfix update.
    • New Notch triggers in the "Named & Other Triggers" section: Click Notch,Double-Click Notch, Right-Click Notch, Move Mouse Into Notch, Move Mouse Out Of Notch
    • Significantly improved three finger tap responsiveness on force touch trackpads
    • Fixed some issues with the function keys on the new MBPs
    • Fixed a bug with the "Show/Hide Specific Application" action
    BetterTouchTool 3.600 (October, 25, 2021)
    • Full macOS 12 Monterey compatibility
    • Integration with the macOS Shortcuts app on macOS 12 Monterey. Configured Shortcuts now show up directly in the list of predefined actions in BTT. You can use any BTT trigger to execute Shortcuts.
    • Various BTT actions have been made available to the Shortcuts app. After the release of Monterey I'll start posting various example Shortuts here. Especially BTT's floating webview is super powerful toghether with Shortcuts
    • Fixed the "Close All Notifications" action.
    • The "Find Image on Screen & Move Mouse" can now also be used to trigger different Named Triggers depending on whether the image was found or not. (This e.g. allows to trigger different things with the same shortcut depending on some UI state)
    • New Triggers: (in the "Named & Other Triggers" section) "Did Open Macbook Lid", "Did Close Macbook Lid", "Keyboard Layout / Input Source Changed", "Did Connect to Wifi with Name", "Did Disconnect from Wifi with Name"
    • New predefined action: "Upload image in clipboard to"
    • Many bugfixes
    BetterTouchTool 3.579 (August, 5, 2021)
    • Fixed issues with macOS 11.5.x that could lead to BTT freezing as soon as it became the focused app
    • Fixed issues with time based triggers (in the "Other Triggers" section in BTT
    BetterTouchTool 3.570 (July, 4, 2021)
    After a few exhausting months, I'm finally back working fully on BetterTouchTool! This release brings:
    • Support for new Siri Remote (2021 model), with BTT this is a really great Mac remote!
    • Compatibility with macOS 12 beta (Montery)
    • Added a "Run Shortcut" action, which allows to run Shortcuts from the Shortcuts app in macOS 12, Monterey.
    • Fixed various crashes & bugs
    • Fixed issues with SFSymbols for Touch Bar buttons
    • Mouse Gestures / Drawings can now be disabled per app
    • Switched date formatting to ISO 8601
    • Fixed issue with "Save / restore specific window layout" action.
    • More updates soon !
    BetterTouchTool 3.553 (January, 26, 2021)
    • Unfortunately 3.551 introduced a little bug that caused some triggers to fail (e.g. middle-click on Magic Mouse or double-tap to drag). This should be fixed now.
    • You can now use the start/stop moving predefined action toghether with mouse clicks. This allows you to move a window by clicking anywhere on its visible area and holding a modifier key. See for details on how to set this up.
    BetterTouchTool 3.551 (January, 25, 2021)
    • Fixes for the Touch Bar behavior of the new M1 Macbook Pro.
    • Improved Hyper Key responsiveness and in general better integration of the Hyper Key into other BTT functionality.
    • Hyper Key can now execute a "Named Trigger" in case it was not use as part of a shortcut (this allows to e.g. trigger ESC or keep the Toggle Caps Lock functionality). See for more information.
    • Preparations for Elgato Stream Deck integration which will be supported with the next BTT version.
    BetterTouchTool 3.540 (January, 17 2021)
    The release notes are also always available via